T’was the night before Christmas and all through the ranch
All the people were stirring, it looked like a dance.
The ornaments were hung on the Christmas Tree with care
And carols, sweet music, filled the air.

Then what to the children’s eyes would appear,
but Santa, yes Santa, with his red suite and his beard.

Away to the sleigh they tore like a flash,
And on their heels, their parents, all looking quite unabashed!
His eyes they twinkled, his cheeks were so red
This really could be the real Santa, young and old all said.
The luminaries were lighting the path to the lodge
And one and all made their way up to watch.

A bag full of presents did Santa produced,
And name after name he called, though no list did he use.

The children sat captivated, not looking away,
Waiting to hear the next name that he’d say.

And then with a twinkle from his piercing blue eyes,
The bag was empty and it was time for goodbyes.
Cookies were given, hugs were abundant,
They knew they had to let go, but the children were reluctant.

It’s times like this that it become apparent,
That our belief in magic really is inherent
On this night, for young and old the same,
Merriment and family, are the name of the game.

There will always be next year, if you are good,
Santa will be back with a lot more loot.
So until until that time comes, may your holidays be bright,
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!