guests work together to push cattle on the C Lazy U guest ranch
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Summer Adult Horseback Riding in Colorado

At C Lazy U Ranch’s summer adult horse vacations, you can ride however much – or as little – as your seatbones can tolerate. It’s your horseback riding vacation, and we want it to be amazing.

Trail rides are scheduled twice-daily Monday through Friday, with Saturday afternoon reserved for the Shodeo where you can show off your riding skills. The trail rides are grouped by rider ability, with Instructional and Refresher rides offered that advance as the week continues.

During the Summer Family Weeks (and select adults-only events) we offer riding clinics, a Working Cattle Ranch Experience, Trail Obstacle Clinics and Grooming Clinics. C Lazy U has something for everyone, from the be-ribboned equestrian to the person who has never even been on a horse. We’ve got you.

A Typical Summer Riding Schedule

This table provides a bird’s eye view of the Summer Riding Program for Adults. For specific details on everything offered, please download the PDF of the Summer Adult Riding Schedule, and feel free to contact us with questions!

MondayMorning:Orientation and Introductory Trail Ride (Walk-Only)
Afternoon:Introductory Trail Ride (Walk/Trot, Walk-Only)
Lope Assessment for Intermediate and Advanced Riders
TuesdayMorning:Advanced, Intermediate, Instructional, Refresher and 
Slow Scenic Trail Rides
Afternoon:Choice of above rides or Intro to Riding Clinic Part I
WednesdayMorning:Advanced, Intermediate, Instructional, Refresher and 
Slow Scenic Trail Rides
Afternoon:Choice of above rides or Intro to Riding Clinic Part II
ThursdayMorning:Choice of Advanced, Intermediate, Instructional, 
Refresher and Slow Scenic Trail Rides 
or Working Cattle Ranch Experience
Afternoon:Choice of above rides or Intermediate Riding Clinic Part III
FridayMorning:Choice of Family Trail Ride 
or Wagon Ride and Team Driving Demonstration
Afternoon:Choice of Advanced, Intermediate, Instructional, 
Refresher and Slow Scenic Trail Rides 
or Intermediate/Advanced Riding Clinic Part IV 
or Wagon Ride and Driving Team Demonstration
SaturdayMorning:Choice of Advanced, Intermediate, Instructional, Refresher 
and Slow Scenic Trail Rides 
or Wagon Ride & Driving Team Demonstration
SundayHorses’ Day Off!

Ready to enjoy a camp-style horseback riding vacation? Contact us today to start enjoying horseback riding for adults!

Horseback Riding for Grownups in Other Seasons

While horseback riding tends to dominate during Summer Family Weeks (we are a dude ranch after all!) we still ride all year long. Notably:

The Working Cattle Ranch Experience is only offered during Summer Family Weeks and two Fall Riding Events as noted on each event: Ladies & Lassos and Julie Goodnight’s Ranch Riding Adventure.

View Upcoming Events with Cattle

Horseback Riding and Horse-Assisted events fill up most of our Spring and Fall schedules. Led by famous practitioners, these events are so fun and educational, many people come back every year for them!

View Upcoming Horse Events

Spring sees walk-only rides while early Fall weather generally allows for walk- and walk-trot rides. We only do lope rides during the Fall adults-only events when conditions permit.

Learn More about Spring & Fall Riding

Trails considered unsafe for riding in bad weather are closed from October through Memorial Day, however we do have plenty of trails closer to the main ranch compound that we can ride on!

View Other Ranch Activities

“Speed has never killed anyone. Suddenly becoming stationary, that’s what gets you.”

– Jeremy Clarkson

Winter, Spring and sometimes Fall trail rides are walk-only.

Learn More about Winter Riding

Horseback Riding Weight Restrictions

At C Lazy U Ranch, safety is one of our most important responsibilities. This obligation includes horseback riding operations and requires us to ensure the safety of both rider and horse. As such, C Lazy U exercises caution with regard to allowing horseback riding for individuals of heavier weights. The weight limit for horseback riding at C Lazy U Ranch is restricted to 250 pounds. The ranch considers several factors in determining whether or not an individual is too heavy or too big to ride, including rider’s physical fitness, riding experience and ability, size of the horse, type of terrain, speed of ride and other factors.

As a general rule, horses can safely carry loads of up to 20% of their body weight, including rider, saddle, and tack. C Lazy U ranch exercises discretion when addressing these issues and reserves the right to prohibit riding or restrict riding to level terrain, or walk-only rides. Please do not hesitate to contact our Barn Manager to discreetly discuss specific circumstances. We are here to make sure your Horse Riding Retreat is safe and an unforgettable memory.

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Ranch Blog

A day spent in the snow has a special magic to it, especially if you’re riding horses over powdery hills, snowshoeing through glittering aspen groves, tearing down the slopes, or showing-up your friends at trap shooting. But the beauty of winter adventures doesn’t end when the sun dips below the mountains. At a C Lazy…

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From the Horse's Mouth

The housekeeping staff was so through! I really appreciate them taking the time and energy to keep the facilities top notch! Additionally, the humidifiers were a life saver for us.

~ Kevin & Sarah M., 11-14-2021

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